I will remember...

"I was born in the land of the sun and the tall green grass
And I dont understand how all this has come to pass
How weve come to surround ourselves in a sea of thieves
In a land without learning only the fools believe."

Postat av: Lillie

Gillar du att läsa? Besök min stora bokrea. Vanliga böcker 20 kr, pocketböcker 10kr. De säljs p.g.a flytt. Välkommen!

2008-10-18 @ 13:49:45
URL: http://liillies.blogg.se/
Postat av: Patricia Klinteberg

Din blogg är jättefin! :)

Hoppas du får en trevlig lördag! :D

2008-10-18 @ 13:50:04
URL: http://metrobloggen.se/patriciaklinteberg
Postat av: izabella

fin text =)

2008-10-18 @ 13:52:02
URL: http://izanorberg.blogg.se/

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