Learning to fly.
"when you lose your way
when your heart breaks
when you can't escape
you feel just like a prisoner
of all the world says you will never be
that's when you can't give up
gotta hold on tighter now that ever
the answers will find you when you believe"
when your heart breaks
when you can't escape
you feel just like a prisoner
of all the world says you will never be
that's when you can't give up
gotta hold on tighter now that ever
the answers will find you when you believe"
Fyll upp mig med känsla!
musik, musik, musiiiiiik!! Min styrka och motivation genom allt från första början!
Musiken inspirerar mig.
Tröstar mig.
Motiverar mig.
Lugnar mig.
Musik kan ändra mitt humör på ett hjärtslag!
I mina öron...
All the way...

There's only butterflies...
"There's a place that I go,
But nobody knows.
Where the rivers flow,
And I call it home.
And there's no more lies.
In the darkness, there's light.
And nobody cries.
There's only butterflies.
Take me away: A secret place.
A sweet escape: Take me away.
Take me away to better days.
Take me away: A higher place."
"Cause if you really wanna be alone...
...I would throw my hands up, cause baby I tried"
I like it.
En lång dag.
En lång kväll.
Imorgon skall lägenheten invigas. Drinkarna hälls upp tidigt- jag behöver ha en bra kväll.
I like it.
En lång dag.
En lång kväll.
Imorgon skall lägenheten invigas. Drinkarna hälls upp tidigt- jag behöver ha en bra kväll.
River flows in you...
Gospel Footprints
The Perishers- My heart
The Perishers- på repeat.
Deras låtar är underbara.
Dessa spelas som mest: "Sway", "Truble sleeping", "My heart", "When I wake up tomorrow", "Come out of the shade" "My own" och "All wrong"
I don't know
I don't have a clue
It's been a year since I heard from you
But still this town reminds me of
The days when we were still in love
But I know
Once I'm all alone
My love will unfold
Once I know
You're really gone
I don't know
I don't have a clue
But you left so I'm leaving too
You know I've always tried to be
more like you and less like me
But I know
Once I'm all alone
My love will unfold
Once I know
I'm really gone
You can say what you want
But you got it all wrong
You can say what you want
I'll be biting my tongue
Even if you'll be twisting my arm
I'll stay strong
You can say what you want
But you got it all wrong
Once I'm all alone
My love will unfold
Once I know
You're really gone
I'll feel better
Once I'm out of here
I'm sure I'll see things clear
Once I know
I'm really gone
You can't
You can say what you want
But you got it wrong
You can say what you want
I'll be biting my tongue
Even if you'll be twisting my arm
I'll stay strong
You can say what you want
But you got it all wrong
Got it all wrong
Got it all wrong
You got it all wrong
Got it all wrong
Dessa spelas som mest: "Sway", "Truble sleeping", "My heart", "When I wake up tomorrow", "Come out of the shade" "My own" och "All wrong"
I don't know
I don't have a clue
It's been a year since I heard from you
But still this town reminds me of
The days when we were still in love
But I know
Once I'm all alone
My love will unfold
Once I know
You're really gone
I don't know
I don't have a clue
But you left so I'm leaving too
You know I've always tried to be
more like you and less like me
But I know
Once I'm all alone
My love will unfold
Once I know
I'm really gone
You can say what you want
But you got it all wrong
You can say what you want
I'll be biting my tongue
Even if you'll be twisting my arm
I'll stay strong
You can say what you want
But you got it all wrong
Once I'm all alone
My love will unfold
Once I know
You're really gone
I'll feel better
Once I'm out of here
I'm sure I'll see things clear
Once I know
I'm really gone
You can't
You can say what you want
But you got it wrong
You can say what you want
I'll be biting my tongue
Even if you'll be twisting my arm
I'll stay strong
You can say what you want
But you got it all wrong
Got it all wrong
Got it all wrong
You got it all wrong
Got it all wrong